我们讨论用扫描探针显微技术研究超薄无序钛薄膜局域氧化过程 ,并利用此氧化过程实现薄膜表面纳米尺度网板修饰。实验说明针尖诱导氧化过程可被认为是电化学阳极氧化过程。钛薄膜的电阻、环境相对湿度、施加的电压幅度和氧化持续时间对纳米修饰的速度和分辨率都有影响。使用专门设计的软件 。
The peculiarities of local oxidation process of ultra thin amorphous titanium films by scanning probe microscopy and the nanoscale lithography on the film surface by this local oxidation process are discussed. It is shown that the tip induced oxidation process can be considered as electrochemical anodic oxidation. It is shown that film resistance, relative humidity, applied voltage and duration of oxidation affect on the speed and resolution of the process. The possibility to form 8 nm oxide patterns by tip induced oxidation is demonstrated. Using specially designed software we have performed a raster probe nanolithography patterning of ultra thin titanium film based on tip induced oxidation process.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society