The photographs obtained by SEM show the complex three-dimensional structure of man-dibular edge of thirteen common copepods occurring in Jiulong River Estuary and its vicinity. The present investigation reveals the difference among the separate feeding patterns in edge model, number and shape of teeth, and shows that there are two kinds of edge shape in the-same feeding patterns. The photos also show structural details which cannot be observed under the optical microscope. The results reveal that most of species have microsetae at the basal-part of teeth. In addition, a kind of small pore is found on the edge of some species. All these microstructure may be related to the receptors of mandibles. The calculation of 'edge index', (EI) from the SEM photos shows that in these copepods, EI values conficm to a tendency of increasing with predacity. But the El value of omniverous copepods tends to have more variable range than that stated by Itoh.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica