2 0世纪初 ,以刘师复为代表的无政府共产主义和以江亢虎为代表的中国社会党的倾向第二国际的议会主义进行了激烈的论战。论战双方各有合理的见解 ,但都暴露了各自的谬误。我们必须站在马克思主义的立场来加以辨认 ,以加深对科学社会主义的理解和信念。
At the begining of the 20th century,there was a violent Polemic both the anarchical communism that was leaded by LIU Shi-fu and China Socialist Party that was Led by JIANG Kang-hu,which was inclined to the parliamentarism of the second International.They have reasonable opinions,but have wrong view points,too.We must employ the Marxist stand to discriminate them,so as to deepen understanding of scientific the socialism.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College