抗日战争胜利后 ,1945年 9月新疆三区民族军向国民党发动大规模进攻。张治中奉命调查解决新疆伊犁、塔城、阿山三区少数民族革命暴动问题 ,他遵循孙中山“联俄、联共、扶助农工”三大政策和民族主义原则 ,和平解决了新疆问题。
After the victory of the War of Resistance Japanese Aggression,the national armies of the three districts of Xinjiang attacked the Kuomintang on a large scale in September,1945.General ZhangZhi-zhong followed orders to investigate and solve the violent minority nationalities revolution of the three districts of Xinjiang,Yili,Tacheng and Ashan in September and October.He complied with the principle of nationalism and the three principles 'Join Russia,Join the Communist Party,and Help the Peasants and the Workers' which were pointed out by Mr. Shun Zhong-shan,and solved the Xinjiang problem peacefully.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College