江西广信府的造纸业有着悠久的历史。到明中期 ,广信府的造纸业发展处于鼎盛时期 ,其中 ,该府的玉山、铅山、永丰 (今广丰 )、上饶四县所产纸张尤为著名。因此 ,从明中叶起 ,皇室及宫廷用纸基本上由这四县的槽户承造。随着造纸业的发展以及市场的扩大 ,广信府的造纸业中开始有了一些资本主义的因素。但作为一种新生事物 ,它在开始出现时是稀疏的、脆弱的 。
The paper-manufacture in Guangxin Prefecture had a long history.Middle period of Ming Dynasty Was its great prosperous ages.Papers manufactured by the workshops in Yushan, Yongfeng(now Guangfeng), Yanshan and Shangrao counties were the most famous. Hence,from that time on, papers used by the people of imperial lineage and in the palace were all productions of the workshops of the above mentioned four counties. Along with the development of paper-manufacture business and the extension of its markets there emerged some capitalist factors, though as new things they were rare, frail, but with strong feudal color.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University