唐代军事武艺发展的因素是多方面的 ,其中武术是重要的因素之一 ,唐代发展军事武艺的三大要素是 :1.重视骑射 ,2 .精选民间武艺人才入军旅 ,3.唐代的武举制为唐军队培养了大批军事人才。
In Tang Dynasty the factors of the development of Military martial arts were various,among which martial skills was the important one.The three main factors of the development of military martial arts were: 1.the popular devotion to horsemanship,and marksmanship; 2.serious choice of martial-skilled persons to army; 3.The system of imperial examination constantly conveyed superior martial skilled candidates to the army.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University