Jolly-Seber模型是标志重捕法 ( marked-recapture method)中最常见的模型 ,可以适用于开放动物种群 ,其形式比较直观 ,但是这个模型的参数过多 ,导致估计值的误差偏大 .针对不为常数而 p为常数的 Jolly-Seber模型引入生存率的变化率 ,利用多维试探法对修正的 Jolly-Seber模型的算法作了改进 ,并用计算机程序对
The Jolly Seber model is the most useful model in the marked recapture method for open population and easily to be applied, but often requires a large number of parameters to be estimated then would otherwise be necessary. Jolly presented modifications of the Jolly Seber model for capture recapture data, which assume constant survival and/or capture rates. Because of the reduced number of parameters, Jolly models lead to more efficient estimators than the Jolly Seber model by means of general maximum likelihood equations. In the present paper, the authors added a derivative (change of rate) of survival rate to Jolly models, and the availability of computer programs to perform their modified Jolly Seber model is described by using multidimensional trial method. An example of data from Jolly′s paper was given.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Natoral Sciences)