用Helena全自动电泳分析系统 (REP)对 10 0份健康人血清标本进行电泳分析 ,经电泳可将血清蛋白分为白蛋白 (Alb)、α1球蛋白、α2 球蛋白、β球蛋白、γ球蛋白 5个组分 ,将各组数据用医学评价系统进行统计学处理 ,计量资料以 x±s表示 ,结果表明 :电泳法所得各组分百分比值及A/G值的参考范围分别为 :Alb(5 9.0 8± 7.4 4 ) % ,α1球蛋白 (3.14± 1.0 8) % ,α2 球蛋白 (8.4 9± 4 .0 6 ) % ,β球蛋白 (9.79± 3.9) % ,γ球蛋白 (19.5 1± 6 .98) % ,A/G值 1.4 7± 0 .4 2 ;化学法所得A/G值的参考范围为 2 .0 2± 0 .6 8.对各组测定值进行统计学处理 ,α1球蛋白、α2 球蛋白、β球蛋白和A/G值的参考范围均属正态分布 ,而Alb、γ球蛋白的参考范围不属正态分布 ;各样本电泳法A/G值与化学法A/G值经t检验呈非相关显著正相关 ,r=0 .76 83(P <0 .0 0 0 1)
The serum samples from a hundred healthy persons were assaied by Helena automatic rapid electrophoresis analyzer.It turned out that serum protein could be divided into five components: albumin, α 1 globulin, α 2 globulin, β globulin, γ globulin.When every datum group was statistically treated by medical evaluation system and the calculated data were expressed as ±s ,the results showed that the reference limits of every component percentage and A/G values,which were obtained by electrophoresis method,respectively were that:albumin(59.08±7.44)%, α 1 globulin(3.14±1.08)%, α 2 globulin( 8.49 ±4.06)%, β globulin(9.79+3.9)%, γ globulin(19.51±6.98)%,A/G values 1.47±0.42(while the reference limits of A/G values obtained by chemical method were 2.02±0.68).After a medical statistical analysis to every detected value,it was known that the reference limits of α 1 globulin, α 2 globulin, β globulin,and A/G values were of normal distribution and the others were not,and that the electrophoresis A/G values and chemical A/G values of every sample showed the significant difference of a non correlation under the test of T distribution ( r=0.768 3,P <0.000 1).
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University