目的 了解肿瘤免疫基因治疗在提高肿瘤治疗效果方面的作用。方法 采用文献回顾方法对有关肿瘤免疫基因治疗进展进行综述。结果 肿瘤免疫基因治疗的方法主要有 :①细胞因子基因导入效应细胞 ;②转基因肿瘤疫苗 ;③联合基因治疗。结论 免疫基因治疗可提高肿瘤治疗疗效。
Objective To study the effect of immunogene therapy on the improvement of the outcome of malignant tumor. Methods Literatures about immunogene therapy of malignant tumor were collected and reviewed. Results The major methods of immunogene therapy of malignant tumor were as follows: ①Transference of cytokin genes into lymphocytes. ②Genetically engineered autologous tumor cells used as vaccine. ③Combined gene therapy. Conclusion The therapeutic effect of malignant tumor can be improved by immunogene therapy.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery