目的 :观察高糖血症及高脂血症时大鼠胸主动脉内皮细胞的形态学变化 ,探讨其变化发生的机理。方法 :复制高糖、高脂血症动物模型 ,光镜及电镜下观察胸主动脉内皮细胞的变化特点。结果 :①高糖血症 :光镜下见胸主动脉内皮细胞肿胀、肥胖 ,个别内皮细胞突向腔面。电镜下内皮细胞表面有破损 ,并见血浆蛋白附着物 ;细胞浆内有明显的糖原颗粒 ,细胞核周池增宽。②高脂血症 :光镜下见内皮细胞肿胀、肥胀 ,个别是细胞向腔面呈出芽状生长。电镜下内皮细胞表面有指状突起 ,胞浆内见较大的吞饮泡 ,平滑肌细胞有向内膜下迁移的倾向。结论 :高糖及高脂血症时血管内皮细胞发生了一定的变化 。
The aim of study is to observe the morphological alterations of endothelia of aorta thoracalis in hyperglycemia and hyperlipoidemia, and to explore the pathogenesis. To make animal models of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, and to observe the pathological alterations in vascular endothelia with light microscope and electron microscope. The results show: 1. In hyperglycemia group, under the light microscope the endothelia of aorta thoracalis were swollen and hypertrophied, a very few of cells projected into the lumen. Under the electron microscope, there were injuries on the surface of endothelia, plasma proteins adhering to them. Glycogen granules in cytoplasm were increased in number, and perinuclear sacs were swollen. 2. In hyperlipidemia group, under the light microscope the endothelia were also swollen and hypertrophied, a very few of cells budded into the lumen. Under the electron microscope, there were many microvilli on the free surface of endothelia, and more larger pinocytotic vasicle in the cytoplasm. Smooth muscles tended to migrate into the tunica intima. We consider that hyperglycemia and hyperlipoidemia may damage the vascular endothelia by which it may cause advanced pathological changes.
Progress of Anatomical Sciences