目的 :总结 42例不同程度唇缺损的修复经验。 方法 :程度不同的唇缺损依具体情况选择手术方式包括滑行组织瓣 ,交叉唇组织瓣法 ,鼻唇沟瓣法及扇形组织瓣法等。 结果 :唇缺损范围在 1/ 2以内者均获得了很好的修复 ,占 88%。而全唇缺损则改善功能及形态只占 12 %。 结论
Objective:To sum up the experience of 42 cases of different lip defect to be repaired. Methods:According to different defect,the different ways of repairing lip defect were selected,including slidding lip flap,estlander abbe lip switch,nasolobial fold flap,gillies fam fold flap and so on. Results:The good result can be got,when the lip defect is less than 1/2 lip tissue;the result of improving morphology and function can be got,when the full of upper or lower lip were defected. Conclusion:It is important of getting good result that the range of lip defect can be judged correctly and operation way can be selected correctly. [
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine