目的 :探讨牙周炎主要病原菌牙龈卟啉单胞菌 (Pg)对常用抗菌药物的敏感性。方法 :从成人牙周炎患者龈下菌斑中分离、通过PCR鉴定 10 6株牙龈卟啉单胞菌的临床分离株 ,通过Kirby_Bauer纸片扩散法测定该菌对克林霉素、复方磺胺甲唑、四环素、头孢唑啉、乙酰螺旋霉素、头孢氨苄和青霉素G的敏感性。结果 :Pg对上述药物敏感率分别是 93 4 %、78 3 %、60 4 %、5 6 6%、4 0 6%、10 4 %和 0。结论 :抗牙龈卟啉单胞菌药物以其作用大小依次为克林霉素、复方磺胺甲唑、四环素、头孢唑啉、乙酰螺旋霉素和头孢氨苄 ,该菌对青霉素G不敏感。
Objective:Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) is one of the main putative pathogens of periodontal disease, especially of adult periodontitis. This in vitro study was aimed at observing the inhibitory activities of 7 commonly used antimicrobical drugs on 106 stains of Pg which isolated from subgingival plaques of sites with adult periodontits. Methods: Kirby_Bauer paper disk method was used in this study. Results: Pg was highly susceptible to Clindamycin, Sulfamzthoxazole timethoprin, Tetracycline and Cefazolin, the susceptibility rates were 93.4%, 78.3%, 60.4% and 56.6% respectively. Conclusion: Majority of the strains of Pg was moderately susceptible to cefalexin and acetylspiramycin, while no strains of Pg was susceptible to Penicillin G. The concentrations of Pg solutions (10+5CFU/ml, 10+6CFU/ml and 10+8CFU/ml) had not influence on the results. This data is helpful for clinically antibiotic selection of periodontal treatment.
West China Journal of Stomatology