目的 研究清江风湿药酒的药理药效机理 ,为在临床上得到广泛推广应用提供可靠的实验依据。方法 选择昆明种小白鼠 36只并随机分为 4组 ,分别灌服酒药小剂量 (3.9g/kg)、酒药大剂量 (7.8g/kg)、阿司匹林 (0 .2g/kg)、生理盐水 (2 0ml/kg) ,采用热板法和扭体法 ,分别观察小鼠舔足时间和扭体次数。结果 清江风湿药酒能明显提高小鼠热板法的痛阈 ,并显著抑制乙酸腹内注射引起的小鼠扭体次数。
Objective To study the drug effect and pharmacological property of Qingjiang Rhenmatic Wine and provide experimental basis for clinical popularizing. Methods To divide the mice into four groups,each is fed with the Qingjiang Rheumatic Wine small dose 3.9g/kg, big dose 7.8g/kg,Asperin 0.2g/kg,and 0.9% Natrii chloridi 20ml/kg respectively.To observe the pedal licking time of the mice and the times of wristhe of the mice by using the hot plate test and wristhing test respectively. Result The Qingjinag Rheumatic wine can obviously increase the algesic threshold by the hot plate test and decrease the times of wristhing by injecting acetic aicd.Conclusion The Qingjiang Rheumatic Wine has a good effect on analgesia.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Medical Edition)
湖北省教委资助课题 (94P0 2 0 )