公共权力的合法性与合理性是政治哲学研究的核心问题。约翰·密尔以功利主义为理论基础 ,在对启蒙时期的合法性与合理性理论进行批判的同时重构了公共权力的合法性与合理性理论。这种批判和重构不仅使自由主义政治哲学的主题发生了位移 ,即由启蒙时期关注的公共权力合法性问题转变为公共权力的合理性问题 ,也带来了自由主义政治哲学的研究视角和研究方法的变革。
The legitimacy and rationality of public power consists of the key issue in the field of political philosophy research. Based on his utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill's critique of theories of the legitimacy and rationality of public power comes along with his reconstruction of the legitimacy and rationality of public power in the Enlightenment period. His critique and reconstruction promotes the transition of the topic of liberal political philosophy-the transition from the legitimacy to the rationality of public power, and the change of perspective and methodology in the field of liberal political philosophy research.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition