毛泽东倡导的“三大作风”是对马列主义建党学说的发展 ;邓小平“三个有利于”的标准是对毛泽东思想建党学说的发展 ;江泽民提出的“三个代表”是对邓小平理论建党学说的发展。
Three Senior Styles”initiated by Mao Zedong adhered to and expanded Marxist and Leninist party construction theory,“Three Beneficialnesses”proposed by Deng Xiaoping adhered to and expended Mao Zedong's party construction theory, and“Three Representetativenesses”by Jiang Zemin adhered to and expanded Deng Xinoping’s party construction theory. So long as the Communist Party of China carries out these great theories, she can lead the Chinese people to the realization of China’s rejuvenation.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)