中国共产党历经 80年的实践和探索 ,在正确认识和处理民族问题上走过不断前进、不断反思、不断总结的艰难而曲折的历史行程。无论在战争年代 ,还是在和平岁月 ,中国共产党为正确处理民族宗教问题 ,为维护民族团结、维护祖国统一、维护人民利益做出了不懈的努力 。
The Chinese Communist Party with a history of 80 ye ars in practice and exploration,went through a zigzag and difficult historical w ay in understanding and handling ethnic and religious problems,going forward,sel f-examining,and summing up his experiences.In the years of war and in peace,the Party made untiring efforts for and contributions to correct treatment of ethni c and religious problems,as well as ethnic unity,unification of the motherland a nd protection of people's interests.The Party has valuable experien ces of handling ethnic and religious problems in both theory and practice.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)