欧亚大陆特殊的地理环境对俄国社会历史的发展有着重要的影响。土地贫瘠、气候条件欠佳、长时期远离海洋 ,迟滞了俄国社会经济的发展。没有天然防御屏障使俄国易受外族侵袭 ,幅员辽阔、交通不便使行政管理极其困难。御敌和治理国家之难促使专制制度形成和发展。特殊的生存环境造就了俄罗斯民族的一些特性 :俄罗斯人坚韧顽强、吃苦耐劳 ,但缺乏创新精神 ;崇尚集体主义 ,轻视个性自由 ;天性极化 ,好走极端。
The special geographical environment of European and Asian continents exerts great effect upon the development of Russian society and history.Arid land,unfavorable climate and distance from seas blocked the development of Russian economy.Lack of natural defensive barriers led to easy foreign invasion;vast territory and inconvenient transportation resulted in inefficient administration.Difficulty in fighting against invaders and administering the country helped the formation of autocracy.The special environment helped Russians form their peculiar character:they are persistent,persevered,industrious,but not so innovative ;they cherish collectivism,but attach little importance to individual freedom;and they can easily go to extremes.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)