周恩来对抗美援朝战争的胜利做出了巨大的贡献。战争开始前 ,他为保家卫国亲自组建东北边防军 ,参与作出武装援朝的决策。战争开始后 ,他参与制定志愿军的作战方针和重大战役的指挥 ,对志愿军的后勤保障问题倾注了大量心血 ,堪称“总后勤部长”。
ZHOU En lai had made great contribution to the victory in the Korean War.Before the war he built the Northeast Frontier Force to protect our country and took part in the decision-making to support DPR Korea militarily.Afetr the breaking out of the war he took part in the making of strategy of the war and the commanding of important batlles,going heart and soul into the logistic service for the People's Volunteer Army.He was also an important policymaker in the armistice negotiations.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)