陈垣《〈元典章〉校勘释例》综合前人经验与自己校读《元典章》的体会 ,将校书之法分为本校、对校、它校、理校四种。对古籍校勘第一次从理论上作出了系统的总结 ,使得自西汉末开始的校勘学在 2 0世纪 30年代成一门成熟的学科 ,厥功甚巨。
Mr. Chen Yuan, in his Annotation to Textual Criticism over Institutions of Yuan Dynasty, divides the methods of proofreading into four types: textual, comparative, target-oriented and rational based on his integration of his personal experience with that of the predecessor's. He is the first to have made such systematic generalization theoretically, and contributes tremendously to textual criticism, which has, began at the ending years of West Han Dynasty, become a mature discipline of study since the 1930s.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)