江门五邑地区历史文化悠久 ,自古人文荟萃 ,后世文学创作承受着丰富的文化蕴养。在市场经济大潮冲击的今天 ,五邑地区却呈现为一片神奇的文学绿洲。近年五邑地区本土小说作家几乎有着共同的创作母题 ,其中 ,有代表性的三位作家及其作品所表现的价值思考、艺术探索以及审美内涵 。
Wuyi area of Jiangmen, possessing a civilization of long-standing, has produced a good many literati and provided rich cultural heritage for the literary creation of later generations. It has become a literary oasis of wonder despite the blasting waves of economic tides of our time. In recent decades, the native Wuyi writers almost share a common subject, among which that deserves our special attention are three novelists and their meditations on value, artistic exploration and aesthetic connotation embodied in their creative writings.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)