火电厂烟气脱硫 (FGD)是重要的洁净煤技术之一。发达国家主要采用以石灰石为脱硫剂的钙法 ,投资大 ,成本高 ,石膏无利用价值 ,不适合我国的国情。作者提出了一种以合成氨为基础的新氨法 (NADS) ,回收烟气中的SO2 ,生产硫酸铵、磷酸铵或硝酸铵化肥 ,并联产工业浓硫酸 ,已在 2 5万kW机组试验成功 ,建立了计算机模拟软件。与现有同类技术相比 ,NADS可节省投资 70 %以上 ,减少运行成本 70 %以上。文中给出了一个 2 0万kW机组和一个 30万kW机组的经济分析 ,NADS的投资分别为 6 0 0 0万元和 80 0 0万元 ,投资回收期分别为 8年和 5年。
Flue gas desulfurization,a well established clean coal technology,is imperative to the coal combusted power plants.The lime gypsum method,commonly used in the developed countries,of high investment and cost,little usage of product gypsum,is impossible to be widely adopted in China.The authors have proposed a proprietary and novel ammonia desulfurization process(NADS),which is able to recover SO 2 from flue gases, producing ammonium sulfate,or phosphate,or nitrate,and simultaneously concentrated sulfuric acid,commericialized on a 25MW unit.Compared with the conventional FGD processes,NADS can result in an investment reduction of more than 70%,and an operating cost reduction of more than 70%.In this papaer,economic feasibility studies have been done based upon a 200MW and a 300MW unit,with the results that the investments are 60 and 80 million RMB,respectively,and the capital payback periods are eight and five years respecfively.It can be speculated that the NADS can find great applications in China. [
Strategic Study of CAE