催化裂解是以石油中的重油为原料 ,用催化方法生产丙烯等基本有机化工原料的技术。在世界上我国首先研究开发了此新工艺及催化剂 ,并于 1990年成功进行了工业示范。迄今 ,国内外已有七套应用该技术的工业装置建成并投产。生产的丙烯等化工原料已分别用来合成了高质量的聚丙烯、聚乙烯及丙烯腈等化学品。目前催化裂解已可应用更重质的原料 ,如常压渣油 ,并开发出能适合不同原料的多种催化剂。文中重点介绍了应用该技术在泰国建成的一套催化裂解装置的生产情况。
Deep catalytic cracking (DCC) is a novel technology for producing basic organic raw material, especially propylene, from heavy oil. Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPEC developed the process and catalyst, and a commercial demonstration was successfully completed in 1990 at Jinan Refinery, China. Up to now, 7 units have been constructed and put into production worldwide. The low carbon olefins produced have been further synthesized to high quality polypropylene, polyethylene, acrylonitrile and other chemicals. Currently, the feedstock has been extended to atmospheric residue and tailor made catalysts are available. The commercial experience of the first DCC plant outside China, TPI DCC in Thailand, is presented. [
Strategic Study of CAE