光电子技术发展推动着信息时代的变革 ,作为其心脏的半导体光电子器件正带动着一个新兴产业———光电子产业。量子阱激光器是半导体激光器发展的第三里程碑。因为其性能优越 ,成为一代理想的激光器 ,在光通信、光存储、光显示等方面得到应用。目前 ,中国光电子产业已具雏形 ,已有多家光通信器件制造公司形成年产亿元以上产值。而以光存储、光显示为代表的非通信光电子器件发展势头极其迅猛。其国产化带动数字音像和数字存储产业、全色显示屏、汽车灯、交通灯以至固体白光灯等产业 ,年产值规模可望在百亿以上。
Optoelectronic technology is promoting the transform of information age,and its key component,optoelectronic devices are bring along a new industry optoelectronic industry. Quantum well laser is the third milestone on the semiconductor laser developing history.It has been called as ideal laser diode due to its advantages in all important parameters. The breakthrough of quantum well optoelectronic devices in China have been done by Chinese Academy of Sciences,with support by Chinese National Natural Sciences Foundation and Chinese National High Technology Developing Plans.They have been employed in the fields such as optical fiber communication,optical storage,optical display etc.The research teams have expanded from pure academic organizations and universities to industry.This will open up the trails for industrialization of optoelectronic devices. Recently,Optoelectronic industry in China has formed in embryo.Several companies,who run business in the field of optical fiber communication,have output value beyond one hundred million RMB per year.As to noncommunication optoelectronic devices,it is on the momentum of swift and violent development.To put key components such as visible lasers and high brightness LED into domestic production will bring along industry of the pick up,loader,even DVD player and DVD ROM,and the industry of full color display,traffic lamp,vehicle lamp and solid white light lamp.Their output value beyond ten billion RMB per year can be expected. [
Strategic Study of CAE
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