本文对 40个样本村的选民在选举过程中的心态变化、投票取向及其理性程度、选民 在选举中参与行为以及竞争理念等进行了分析与研究。指出 ,在村委会选举中 ,选民的选 择行为已趋于理性化 ,越来越多的选民能积极参与选举 ,并敢于在选举中公开争取和维护 自身的民主权利。即使是那些对选举活动弃权或冷漠的选民 ,他们的行为与其说是由于 观念与素质所限 ,倒不如说是对选举的失望所致。不过 ,目前村民的政治文化是分层的、 多元的 ,既有公民文化、顺民文化 ,也有臣民文化 ,还有暴民文化。因此 ,村民选举与村民 自治的发展尚需长期的努力。
Analyzing 40 sample villages, and studying the villages' psychology, behavior, voting orientation, participation and concepts of competition, the authors point out that voters' behavior is more rational and that more and more voters actively participate in elections. Villagers dare to protest their own rights openly. Even the behavior of indifferent voters tends to result more from disappointment than limited ability to exercise their political rights. However, political culture among villagers is multi-level and pluralistic, ranging from civil culture, traditional passivity and obedience to the culture of the rioter. Therefore, the development of village elections and village self-government still needs persistent effort.
China Rural Survey
国家哲学社会科学"九五"规划项目<当前我国农村宗族势力与村级自治问题研究>(项目批号 :98BZZ0 14)的成果