本文结合我国压力容器用钢合金体系和焊条厂实际情况 ,对用于压力容器焊条偏心度、T型接头角焊缝试验、熔敷金属中硫、磷含量 ,熔敷金属力学性能和弯曲性能、焊缝金属射线透照、焊条药皮含水量和熔敷金属扩散氢含量技术指标进行论述 。
Based on the codes and standards, the alloy system of steels for pressure vessels as well as the production conditions of covered electrodes in the enterprises of our country, a statement on the covered electrodes for pressure vessels is made in this article. It includes the eccentricity, the welding of fillet joints, sulphur & phosphorus and diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metals, the ray inspection of the welds, mechanical and bending properties of the deposited metals , water content of the coating. As a result the specifications for the covered electrodes used for pressure vessels are put forward.
Pressure Vessel Technology