2001年上半年消费品市场运行的基本状况 2001年以来,在出口需求增长明显放慢的局面下,我国国内消费品市场继续保持了销售活跃的态势,5月份全国共实现社会商品零售总额2929.6亿元,比上年同月增长11.1%,增幅比上年同期明显提高;1-5月累计实现社会商品零售总额15006.5亿元,比上年同期增长10.3%,成为支持今年国民经济回升的重要力量。
In the first half of 2001. facing a slow increasing demand for exports, our domestic consumption market
still remained brisk. In May the total retail volume of the nation's goods reached RMB292.96 billion. 11. 1% up
on last May, a higher increase compared with the same period of last year. The market is set to further expand
in the second half of this year. Obstacles obviously exist in the operation of the market.