
占空比扩展高频脉冲直流环节航空静止变流器研究 被引量:1

Research on Aviation Static Inverter with Duty Cycle Extended High Frequency Pulse DC Link
摘要 首次提出了高频脉冲直流电压波占空比扩展的新思路。深入分析研究了占空比扩展高频脉冲直流环节航空静止变流器稳态原理、三态离散脉冲电流滞环跟踪控制策略 ,获得了关键电路参数设计准则。设计并研制成功的 75 0VA 2 7VDC/115V4 0 0HzAC原理样机 ,具有变换效率高、功率密度高、可靠性高、稳态精度高、动态响应速度快、过载和短路能力强。 A novel concept of duty cycle extended high frequency pulse dc voltage is proposed firstly. The steady operation principle of the ASI with duty cycle extended high frequency pulse dc link and the control strategy of three state discrete pulse modulation hystersis current are analyzed and studied. The design criterions for the key circuit parameters are gained. A 750VA 27VDC/115V 400HzAC prototype has the advantages such as high efficiency, high power density, high reliability, high steady precision, fast dynamical response, strong ability of over load and short circuit, and small THD of output voltage.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期35-39,共5页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 航空基础科学基金 中国博士后科学基金 江苏省博士后科学基金资助项目
关键词 航空 静止变流器 高频环节逆变器 占空比扩展 Aviation static inverter High frequency link inverter Duty cycle extension High frequency pulse dc link Three state discrete pulse modulation
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