渐进结构拓扑优化 (ESO)是近年来兴起的一种解决各类结构优化问题的数值方法。它是基于这样一个简单概念 :通过将结构中无效或低效的材料一步步去掉 ,剩下的结构将逐渐趋于优化。其特点在于简单 ,通用 ,优化的结构可为桁架、刚架、板壳或三维连续体。优化的约束条件包括应力、刚度、位移、频率、临界压力及动响应。阐述了渐进结构优化法的基本原理和具体步骤 ,并以一系列算例演示该法的计算机实施过程 ,最后介绍了ESO的最新进展。
Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) is a simple and robust numerical method for optimization problems applicable to various types of structures. The basic idea of ESO is that by slowly removing inefficient material, the residual structure evolves towards an optimum. The significance of ESO is its simplicity and generality. It can be used for a whole range of structures including truss, frame, plate /shell and 3D continuous bodies. The optimization constraints can be stress, stiffness, displacement, frequency or buckling load and dynamic response. This paper introduces the theories, procedures and latest techniques of ESO. A number of examples of engineering design problems have been presented to demonstrate the capability and effectiveness of ESO.
Journal of Changsha Communications University
国家自然科学基金项目 (10 0 72 0 5 0 )