效能因数法是制动器动力矩常用计算方法之一。对领从蹄式鼓式制动器制动力矩的效能因数法几种常用的计算公式进行了分析及计算验证。结果表明 ,各公式虽然形式各异 ,但都是基于同一假设推导出来的 ,它们具有本质上的同一性。最后对公式的选用提出了建议。
In calculating the braking torque of a brake, the braking efficiency method is often used. In this paper, the formulae for calculating braking torque of leading shoe and trailing shoe brake are analyzed. Although they are different in parameters, these formulae can be changed into the form which shows that they are identical. In fact these formulae are all based on the same hypothesis , i.e., both drum and shoe are inflexible and the unit pressures between them are of sinusoidal distribution. Some proposals for the choice between them are also given at the end of the paper.
Journal of Changsha Communications University