目的 :研究激光血管内照射治疗银屑病的疗效。方法 :397例银屑病患者 ,随机分成五组 :(1) He- Ne激光 ILL LI加药物组 30 8例 ;(2 )半导体激光 ILL LI加药物组 5 4例 ;(3)单纯 He- Ne激光 IL LL I组 2 5例 ;(4 )单纯半导体激光 IL LLI组 17例 ;(5 )单纯药物组 74例。激光血管内照射 ,功率 4~ 5 mw,每日照射 1次 ,每次 1小时 ,10次一疗程 ,同时伴用 vit c2 g iv q.d及鼻吸氧。经 5~ 4 0次治疗 ,观察激光加药物组与对照组 (单用药、单激光 )临床疗效的差异 ,并作统计学分析。结果 :(1) 1、2组 He- Ne激光及半导体激光 ILLL I加药物组 ,3、4组单纯 He- Ne激光和单纯半导体激光 IL LLI组总有效率均为 10 0 % ,5组单纯药物组总有效率为 72 .97% ,经 Ridit统计分析发现1、2、3、4组 ILL LI加药物组及单纯 IL LL I组疗效明显优于单纯药物组 ,P值 <0 .0 1,疗效比较有非常显著的差别。(2 )从基本痊愈及显效率比较 ILL LI加药物组 (5 5 .5 6%、5 4.2 5 % )疗效优于单纯 ILLL I组 (36%、2 9.4 1% ) ,但Ridit统计分析 p>0 .0 5 ,无显著差异。 (3) He- Ne激光 ILL LI加药物组及半导体激光 IL LL I加药物组二组间及单纯 He- Ne激光 ILLL I和单纯半导体激光 ILL LI组二组疗效无显著差异 ,Ridit统计分析 p>0 .0 5 ,说?
Objective: To observe the curative effect of intravascular low level laser irradiation (ILLLI) in treatment of psoriasis. Method : 397 patients with psoriasis from five groups to observe their efficacy. Group1 were treated by He-Ne laser combined with drug, group 2 were treated by semi-conductor laser combined with drug , group 3 were treated only by He-He laser , group 4 were treated by semi-conductor laser , group 5 were treated only by drug. Intravascular low level laser irradiation (power 4-5mw, 1h per day, 10 days per period) combined with vit C 2.0 g iv and inhalation of O2. Results: (1)The clinical results showed efficient rate was 100% in group1-4. If combined with drugs it would be better. Ridit statistical analysis showed no significant difference between group1-4, p>0.05. The efficient rate was 72.97% in group5. There were very significant difference with group1-4, p<0.01. ( 2)There were no significant difference between He-Ne laser (632.8nm) and semi-conductor laser(650nm).(3)The efficacy of ILLLI in psoriasis was positive correlation to the ILLLI times .Conclusion: It can improve curative effect of intravascular low level laser irradiation (ILLLI) in treatment of psoriasis.
Applied Laser
intravascular low level laser irradiation (ILLLI) , psoriasis