股利政策是由公司管理层就与股利有关的事项所作出的方针和策略。其意义是在将公司盈利发给股东与保留盈余以供公司再投资之用二者之间进行决策 ,使公司发展与股东利益都能兼顾。本文根据我国上市公司股利政策存在的描述性特点 ,对我国上市公司股利政策的影响因素提出一些假设并进行统计检验。
The dividend policy is the guideline and tactics made by the corporation's management levels about the affairs concerning the shareholders interest.The meaning of it is to make a decision between the corporation's profit ratio to be distributed among the shareholders and the profit ratio to be retained in the corporation in order to perform reinvestment.Thus both the corporation's development and the shareholders' interest can be considered. Based on the descriptive features of our country's listed corporation's dividend policy ,this paper brings forward some hypothesis and makes a statistical test about the influencing factors on the listed corporations' dividend policy.
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics