首先 ,在对网络状态进行严格等值变换的条件下 ,实现了不同用户间由某一公用输电路径为其提供服务向各自由独立的输电路径为其提供服务的完全等值的解耦过程 ,并由此提出了复功率网损的联合分摊原则 :不同用户间公用输电路径上的复功率损耗按照各用户复功率的比或用户复电流的共轭比进行分摊。其次 ,总结了建立网损分摊原则所应注意的一些问题 ,并分析了按电流幅值平方比和电流幅值比等原则进行网损分摊所存在的不足。最后 ,通过算例验证了所提网损分摊原则所具有的经济上的公正合理性和网络基础上的充分正确性。
With the strict equivalence of the network state, this paper firstly realizes the complete equivalent decomposition with various electric consumers or loads being served from a common electric way to different and independent electric ways. Thus this paper proposes a union allocation principle of complex power loss of the network, which is that the complex power loss of the common electric way between various electric consumers or loads should be allocated according to the rations of their complex powers or the conjugate rations of their complex currents. Then, this paper summarizes and proposes some notices in the procedure of establishing network loss allocation principles, and analyzes the shortages of the current square ratio principle and the current ratio principle. Finally, examples results show that the principle of loss allocation presented is not only fair and reasonable in economy, but also sufficient correct in the network.
Automation of Electric Power Systems