根据传记学批评方法 ,《呐喊》 (1 93 0年版 )在主题、故事情节及与作者的关系上 ,显示出社会化与个人化两种不同的主体声音。《呐喊》的社会观照主要体现在对四种人———先驱者、旧读书人、农民、“我”的关怀上。以上两方面表现都可以在鲁迅个人生活经历、思想。
According to the biographic criticism, the relationships between the author and the subject or the plot of the story in Crying Out are studied. Thus there are two voices a socialized voice and an individualized voice that can be heard in the book, and they mainly concerns people in four categories pioneers, old type scholars, farmers, and 'I'. We can find direct sources of the voices and categories of people in Mr. LU Xun's personal experience, thought, and family background.
Journal of Jianghan University