邢福义先生的专著《汉语复句研究》 ,集中了作者 2 0余年复句研究的丰硕成果。这些成果丰富了汉语语法研究 ,显示了复句研究的重要性、必要性和可行性 ,展示了一系列行之有效的复句研究思路和方法 ,更启示我们 :复句研究天地宽 。
Mr. XING Fu yi's monograph, The Research on Chinese Sentences With Two or More Clauses, displays his achievements in the research in the last 20 years. These achievements enrich the research on Chinese grammar, and reveal the importance, necessity and the feasibility of the research. The monograph also discovers a set of research approaches and direction, from which we can get enlightenment that there is a wide field for the reseach on the Chinese sentences with two or more clauses.
Journal of Jianghan University