今年是辛亥革命九十周年 ,辛亥革命在无锡的胜利 ,有它的历史大背景 ,动力来自革命前夜的社会变迁。本文分别从无锡城市功能的转化 ,市民社会的诞生 ,教育制度的改变 ,近代知识分子群体的形成 ,以及民风民情的蜕变加以论证 ,说明这一重大历史事件的发生决不是偶然的 ,是社会发展的必然结果。
The victory of the 1911 Revolutioin in Wuxi had its historical background and was motivated by the current social changes.This paper tackles the change of city functions,the birth of citizen society,the change of educational system,the formation of contemporary intellectual community and the transform of social mores,demonstrating that the happening of the 1911 Revolution was not accidental,but a natural result of social development.
Journal of Jiangnan College