对开垦的盐碱生荒地 ,在滴灌条件下研究覆膜甜菜的生长发育规律。试验结果表明 :甜菜的叶片数较正常的少 ,功能叶保持的时期长。在滴灌条件下 ,水分已不是产量的限制因素 ,增施氮肥能提高产量 ;生长中心转移早 ,块根干物质积累时期长 ,糖分增长和糖分积累的时期相对延长 。
The paper analyses the growing regular pattern of covering beet in salinization wasteland through trickle irrigation systems.The result indicateo:the number of beet leaf is lower in salinization field than normal,and the time of function leaf lasts longer.In trickle irrigation,the water supply is not a limited factor to product.Adding nitrogenous fertilizer will increase product.The center of growing shifts early.The time of beet dry substances accumulates long.The time of root sugar increasing and accumulating prolongs relatively,and increasing the rate of sugar.
Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)