以甲基毒死蜱10ppm、20ppm 喷雾法和药糠载体法处理稻谷生产试验的残留研究结果说明:施药后稻谷中药剂含量约为理论施药量的一半,已经低于卫生标准最高允许限量10ppm.谷物上药剂的残留主要集中在稻壳和糠上,大米上残留量很低,约为原粮上的十分之一,蒸煮成米饭后降低到几乎检不出的程度.
Chlopyrifos-methyl 10,20ppm were used in stored paddy rice byspray and dust methods in warehouse to study the change of pesticideresidue.The result showed the residue in paddy was about 1/2 of thecalculating application quantity.It was below the tolerence for residue(10ppm).The residue concentrated on rice husk and bran.The residueon polished rice was very low,about 1/10 that of paddy.The residuein cooked rice was not detected.
Grain Storage