“夸父追日”是中国古代最有名的神话传说。夸父是其部族的首领和神巫 ,夸父族是华夏族团的一支。“夸父追日”实为春社求雨 ,神巫夸父被曝而死之事的演变。夸父为部族———人类的利益而献身。透过这个传说 ,可看出上古先民的生活、信仰和文化、思维状况及上古巫者为公众利益而大无畏牺牲的精神。
KuaFu runs after the sun”is the most well known myth legend in ancient China,KuaFu was a wizard and chief,and KuaFus nation was one of the HuaXias nations.The substance is that KuaFu died as a result of being exposed to the sun to pray for rain at spring sacrificial rites.“kuaFu runs after the sun” is an evolvement from the myth legend.KuaFu gave his life for the interests of his nation and mankind.We can understand our forefatherss life,belief,culture and state of thinking.KuaFu is the symbol of lofty spirit of mankind.
Journal of Huizhou University