僧肇是中国历史上的一名杰出佛教思想家 ,以他为代表的般若学的出现 ,标志着中国佛学的形成。同时也意味着中国哲学走向了一个新的阶段。僧肇以非有非无为万物的本体 ,主张寂用一体 ,使秦汉时期的经验式的宇宙生成论走向了抽象的宇宙本质论。从知识论角度看 ,僧肇哲学以沤与般若两概念 ,讨论了知识与智慧的关系 ,纠正了庄学绝圣弃智的极端。从人生哲学角度来看 ,僧肇主张万物非有 ,故物我俱一 ,万物非无 ,故抱一湛然 ,最终体之以为神。
Sengzhao is a famous Buddhist thinker in Chinese history.The emergence of Prajna School which took Sengzhao as its dupty,means the formation of Chinese Buddhism,and Chinese philosophy growing to a new decade.Sengzhao maitained that No Existence and No Nothing is the substance of the world,which had led Qin Han′s empiricism Universe Formation Theory to an abstract Universe Ontology.From the view of Epistymology,Seng took Ou He and Prajna to discuss the relation of knowledge and wisdom,which had corrected Zhuangzi′s thought.From the view of Philosophy of Life,Seng maitained that World and Self were one thing,and World was No Nothing,as the result,keeping every thing as one was the ideal life.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)