随着当代中国社会的转型 ,原有的社会政治控制方式已经不能适应发展变化了的中国社会需要 ,实现社会政治控制方式的转换 ,建构符合转型社会要求的政治控制方式 ,是当代中国社会的必然选择。这种政治控制方式 ,就是以利益协调为基础、以法律调节为手段、以改革和社会主义现代化建设为实现途径的新型社会政治控制方式。
With the transformation of the modern Chinese society, the old way of political control over the society can no longer meet the needs of the altered Chinese society. Therefor, it is the inevitable choice of the modern Chinese society to change the way of political control over the society, and to establish a new way that will suit the transformation. The new way of political control is the one that is based on the coordination of interests, and that takes legal regulations as the means, and the reform and the social modernization as the approach to political control.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition