认诺是指民事诉讼中被告对原告的诉讼请求予以承认的一种诉讼行为 ,它同时也是当事人的一项权利。与其它行为和权利不同 ,认诺具有自己独特的品格。另外 ,认诺者在诉讼上实施认诺 ,将对其本人、对方当事人和法院产生相应的法律效果。
Admission is an action of the accused in civil suit as well as a right of party .Different from other actions and rights, admission has its unique characteristics. Admission will have legal effect on the accused, the accuser and the court. Rational recognition of the action of admission will have favorable influence over the construction of China's procedure law and reform in civil trial.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)