如果只是把《西游记》当成儿童故事 ,或当成惩恶扬善的幽默谈笑 ,那是一种悲剧。《西游记》其实和《唐·吉诃德》一样 ,是一个时代的映照 ,是启蒙思潮的载体。所不同的只是 ,《唐·吉诃德》映照的启蒙思潮在欧洲成了气候 ;而《西游记》
It would be a tragedy to read Record of A Journey to the West as a tale for children or a joke of punishing the evil to uphold the good. Like Don Quixote, Record of A Journey to the West is a reflection of time and a carrier of trend of enlightenment. Their difference lies in that the trend ofenlightenment they reflected was influential in Europe but suffocated in China.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)