电力机车的弹簧系统对机车的平稳运行起着举足轻重的作用 ,特别是列车提速以后 ,轮缘冲击内轨的激振力显著增加 ,从而引起支承弹簧的刚度降低 ,出现晃车的情况 .鉴于此 ,提出了弹簧系统的改进方案 ,即将圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧改为等节距圆锥压缩弹簧 ,并推导出了圆锥弹簧横向和弯曲刚度计算公式 .计算表明 ,改进后的弹簧可以衰减激振力、增加横向刚度、抑制蛇形运动、消除晃车现象 ,提高机车高速运行的安全性和平稳性 .
The spring system of electric locomotives plays an important role in its stable operation.When the locomotive's velocity increased,the shock force of wheel rim against the orbit increased sharply,so the support spring stiffness decreased and the locomotive swayed.An new design of changing cyclinder spiral spring into equal pitch circular cone spring is presented for spring system and the calculation formula of circular cone spring's bending and transverse stiffness is derived.The conclusion shows new spring's bending and transverse stiffness can be increased and it can suppress and remove swaying and improve the safety and stability.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry(Natural Science)
河南省科委攻关项目 (0 0 12 0 12 0 )