山西临汾菜有着浓厚的黄土风味特色 ,是晋菜的重要组成部分。它以咸香、咸酸、咸辣等为主要味型 ;烹调上讲究烹醋 ,善用葱酱 ,并以清汤取其鲜味见长 ;其菜式多样、组合规范 ,具有浓郁的乡土文化特色。
Linfen, Shanxi enjoys a rich losse flavor, which is the key part of Jin dish. Its main tastes are salty and fragrant, salty and sour, salty and hot and so on; it is particular about vinegar in cooking, and it often uses onion sauce with clear soup, it is various in styles with rich local specialty.
Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University