今年4月26日,小泉纯一郎(JUNICHIRO KOIZUMI)就任首相,日本新内阁正式成立。这标志着日本政治已经完成了世代交替的任务,开始由少壮派政治家掌握国家权力,日本进入了一个新的历史时期。小泉纯一郎高举“新世纪维新”的大旗,以改革者自居,将要在日本刮起一轮“小泉改革旋风”,不仅对日本政治、经济的发展产生深远影响,而且也影响到亚太地区的形势。
On April 26,2001 Junichiro Koizumi took up the post of Prime Miniter,and Japan's new cabinet was formally set up.This indicates that the task of alteration of generation in the Japanese politics has been fulfilled,and statesmen of the younger generation begin to come into power.Hence,Japan enters a new historical period.Considering himselfas a reformer ,Junichiro Koizumi holds high the banner of 'reform in the new century',and is going to start a 'Koizumi reform whirlwind' in Japan.It will not only exert far-reaching impacts on the development of Japanese economy and politics, but also affect the situation in the Asian-Pacific region.
International Studies