目的 :探讨后房型人工晶体植入术后视网膜脱离的发病机制和相应的预防及处理方法。方法 :分析 39例 39眼人工晶体植入术后继发视网膜脱离的特征及手术治疗方法 ,ECCE+IOL2 5眼 ,PHACO+IOL14眼。结果 :术后随访 3~ 36个月 ,最终视网膜复位 35眼 (89.7% ) ,2 6眼视力提高 (6 6 .7% ) ,12眼视力不变 (30 .8% ) ,1眼视力下降 (2 .5 % )。结论 :提高白内障手术成功率和精确使用 Nd:YAG激光 ,加强术后随访观察可减少或避免视网膜脱离的发生 ;一旦人工晶体植入后继发视网膜脱离 ,尽早手术 。
Objective: To discuss the mechanism and prevention of retinal detachment after posterior chamber IOL implantation. Methods: 39 cases of secondary retinal detachment after IOL implantation were studied, including ECCE + IOL 25 cases, Phaco + IOL 14 eases. Results: All patients were follow-up for 3--36 months (mean 10.1 months). The rates of retinal reattachment were 89.7% (35/39) at last. Postoperative visual acuity was improved in 26 cases (66.7%), not changed in 12 cases (30.8%), decreased in 1 case (2.5%). Conclusions: The retinal detachment should be avoid if improving the quality of cataract operation and using Nd: YAG laser accurately. Once the retinal detachment occurred, a more careful search and a earlier operation should be done.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology