通过对 4 88例原诊断为甲状腺腺瘤的病理资料进行复查、回顾性分析 ,发现其中仅 5 6%为真正的腺瘤 ,其余的 4 4 %为单结节性甲状腺肿 .认为过去对腺瘤诊断过松 ,应严格按照腺瘤的诊断标准 ,从瘤 /结节的数量、包膜、瘤内外组织形态等方面把握腺瘤与结节性甲状腺肿的鉴别诊断 .
cases of othyroid adenoma were studied by retrospective statistical analysis. It was found that only 56% cases were real thyoid adenoma and other 44% were nodular goiter. It was believed that, in the past, the diagnostic standard of thyroid adenoma might not be so strict but, in fact, the diagnosis of this disease should be more strict with more attention to the differences between thyroid adenoma and nodular goiter, like the number, encystment and the tissue features inside and outside the tumor/nodule.
Journal of Kunming Medical College