郑玄 ,北海高密人 ,公元 12 7年生。 18岁为乡小吏 ,后造太学受业 ,遍习今古文经学。 32岁西入关 ,拜在马融门下 ,七年后回归故里。遂遭党禁 ,闭门教学撰述 ,达 14年之久 ,这是他学术大成时期 ,《三礼注》即完成于此时。 5 8岁党禁解 ,凡征辟皆不应 ,仍潜心经术 ,却忧伤时事 ,时刻关注国家命运。 70岁写下著名的《戒子书》。 74岁病卒于元城。郑玄对两汉传统的今古文经学进行了全面的加工改造 ,创立郑学 ,对当时及后世产生了深远而巨大的影响。郑玄是中国学术史上的一位伟人 。
Zheng Xuan was born in 127 A.D.. He became a petty official at the age of 18, then studied Confucian classics. Political disappointments compelled him to academic researches which were his greatest achievements in life. He died at the age of 74. His explication of the Confucian classics in the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties produced profound influence on later thinkers, and he is regarded as a great man and great scholar as well.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
国家社科基金项目 (0 0BZS0 0 1)