魏晋士人的隐逸之风与当时的时局有直接的关系 ,并受到社会思潮玄学的影响 ,也与士人的性格有关。魏晋士人隐逸不仅人数多 ,而且隐逸方式多样。此时有三种隐逸 :山林之隐、朝隐、田园之隐。不同的隐逸方式表现了士人不同的品格和追求。真正的隐逸其实是难做到的。山林之隐需忍受艰苦的生活 ,只有少数人能坚持下来 ;朝隐则将出世与入仕相结合 ,既不失利禄又可获得隐逸的清高 ,一些人以朝隐标榜“高雅”;一些人则以朝隐避祸保身 ,朝隐者算不上隐士。陶渊明隐居田园 ,淡薄名利 ,返朴归真 ,以其高洁的人格成为古代隐士的榜样。
The formation of recluse scholars' reclusion in the Wei-Jin period had not only a close connection with political situation, but also was under the influence of social prevailing thought of metaphysics of the time, and linked with scholars' moral nature as well. The recluse scholars in the Wei-Jin period were many in number and various in forms. There were three kinds of recluse scholars in this period: the recluses in mountain, in court and in countries. Differences in reclusion reflected the moral natures and seekings of the scholars. For scholars, it could hardly be a recluse in its literal sense. Only a few, or few, or none of the scholars could endure the hardship of mountain life and stay there for long. The reclusion in court was but a show of an official renouncing the world. A recluse scholar in court would keep the benefits of an official and earn the fame of the wise. Not a few scholar bureaucrats, being recluses in court, advertising themselves aloof from politics or material possession , were belonging to a certain class that were wise for personal survival, or cautious during bad governments. Verifiably, those who took reclusion in court could not be counted as recluses. The best example of reclusion in countryside was Tao Yuanming, whose noble character of indifference to fame and wealth as well as return to simplicity and purity made him the model of ancient recluse.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
The Wei-Jin Recluse Scholars
Reclusion in Mountains
Reclusion in Court
Reclusion in Countryside