新民主主义宪政是中国共产党在新民主主义革命阶段民主政治建设中的伟大创举。新民主主义宪政思想是经过长期艰难探索才逐步形成的。民主联合战线的“革命的民众政权”的构想和苏维埃工农民主政权的实践 ,是中共早期对政权模式的探索 ;“人民共和国”及“民主共和国”方案的提出是新民主主义宪政思想的萌芽 ;基于新民主主义理论的新民主主义共和国政权模式构成了新民主主义宪政思想的雏形 ;抗日根据地“三三制”政权的提出和建立是新民主主义宪政思想形成的标志 ;《陕甘宁边区宪法原则》和人民政协《共同纲领》的制定是新民主主义宪政思想更臻完善的体现。新民主主义宪政思想的形成与新民主主义政权的建立和发展相因相成。
The new democratic constitutionalism was a great pioneering work by CCP during the period of new democratic revolution. The thinking of new democratic constitutional government came into form through painstaking quest over a long period of time. The conception of 'revolutionary public power' drafted by Democratic Allied Front and the practice of Worker-Peasant Democracy Soviet Government were the results of early quest for the model of power by CCP; the draft of 'People's Republic' and 'Democratic Republic' was the seed of new democratic constitutional government; the government model of New Democratic Republic based on the theory of new democracy became the embryonic form of new democratic constitutionalism; the proposal of ''the tripartite government' and its establishment in the base area against Japan is a mark that the thinking of new democratic constitutional government got mature; the draft of 'The Constitutional Principles in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region' and 'The Common Program' by Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference showed that the thinking of new democratic constitutional government was approaching to perfection. The gradual forming of thinking of new democratic constitutional government and the establishment of new democratic power and its evolution are reciprocal causation.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition